Sword shark
Common:harvest suck buler
Physical Description:
Eiasmobranchs inhabit tropical and temperate seas as well as and ponar seas and freshwater lakes.
Habitat and locality:
As a group sharks and batoids eat alm ost anything: fishes,cril mollusks,marine mom is,and other sharks
Other shark’s crabs sea turties easier to catch marine mammais
The swork fish are ending ered because fisher men hunt them Becaau they feedon the fish that the fishermen catch for a living
Common:harvest suck buler
Physical Description:
Eiasmobranchs inhabit tropical and temperate seas as well as and ponar seas and freshwater lakes.
Habitat and locality:
As a group sharks and batoids eat alm ost anything: fishes,cril mollusks,marine mom is,and other sharks
Other shark’s crabs sea turties easier to catch marine mammais
The swork fish are ending ered because fisher men hunt them Becaau they feedon the fish that the fishermen catch for a living