Friday 8 February 2008


Physical Description

It’s size is six meters long.
The Afrog has thick skin and sharp teeth.
It is green ,brown and black.
It is 30g.
It has a thin head.
It has small ears.
Habitat and locality
It lives in Forida.
It lives in the esten lake of florida.
The aligatorfrog lives in florida and America.
The aligatorfrog lives in the hot water.
It eats zebras .
It eats mamle fishes.
It eats birds to.
Endangangered or in Conservation
The aligatorfrog is killd for bags and shoes.

1 comment:

Us Lot said...

This is a unique creature, both very interesting but also very scary. Does it have a attacking temperament, this means is it aggressive? I hope that this creature is not too endangered, just because a creature appears scary does not mean we can kill it off, I wonder what we can do to help conserve this creature, do you know of any Alligatofrog conservation projects.