Friday 8 February 2008

sword shark

Sword shark

Common:harvest suck buler

Physical Description:

Eiasmobranchs inhabit tropical and temperate seas as well as and ponar seas and freshwater lakes.
Habitat and locality:
As a group sharks and batoids eat alm ost anything: fishes,cril mollusks,marine mom is,and other sharks

Other shark’s crabs sea turties easier to catch marine mammais


The swork fish are ending ered because fisher men hunt them Becaau they feedon the fish that the fishermen catch for a living

1 comment:

Us Lot said...

This creature does indeed look scary. I am sad though that it is being hunted and killed by people. I am worried that it might become extinct. I wonder what we could do to solve this problem. How could we make sure that people are safe in the water, without killing this wonderful creature?
This is a unique creature, both very interesting but also very scary. Just because a creature is dangerous does not mean we can kill it off, I wonder what we can do to help conserve this creature, do you know of any Swordshark conservation projects. Perhaps we could pressure the government into passing laws so that it become illegal to hunt and fish for these wonderful creatures.