Friday, 8 February 2008


fish whale

  • Physical features: they have spots and straight lines all over its body .
  • Diet: it eats fish and it drinks water .
  • Habitat and climate: it lives in the sea it. liked fresh water.
  • Unique features: it can jump high. it can go out of the water.
  • Weight: 20kilograms
  • Height: 1.4m high.
  • Defensive systems: its defensive is that it is tall for protection.
  • Attack systems: when people come and anoise it, it will bash them
  • Life expectancy: 30 years.
  • predators: big bad shark.

umar age 7

1 comment:

Us Lot said...

What a wonderful photo of such a strange but beautiful creature. I am really interested in the facts you have shared, How is this animal being endangered? With this information we might be able to create a project to save the Dolfish from extinction.