Monday, 11 February 2008


A tigcheetshark are more than three metres long.A tigcheetshark are thought to be dangererous to people but any.Shark will only attack if it smell,s blood .All sharks have an excnent sens of smell and good hearing helping them hunt at night.
Cheetahs are the fastest runners in the wold.they can reach a speed of 100kp for a shot distans.

The tigcheetshark has sharp teeth.It is dangerous and it lives in Ireland and
down in the mountains there a cave.In the caves there was some water.It will attack you. It jumps high and eats fish and meatAnd it has a door.


Class O

1 comment:

Us Lot said...

This is a beautiful looking shark. I hope that it is not hunted down like so many other sharks.
I am sad to think that is amazing creature is endangered. I am worried that it might become extinct. I wonder what we could do to solve this problem? This is a most unique and interesting creature. Would I be able to look for it if I visited Ireland, or would that be to dangerous?